Saam Acupuncture Clinic offers carefully crafted traditions spliced with modern trends for an adaptable healthcare philosophy. Incorporating a less needle regime of two to four needles on the lower limbs, the practitioner shoot for accurately speedy reactions in up to ten minutes.
In Saam Acupuncture Clinic, we use Saam Acupuncture Method which is a unique Korean principle that was originated by a sage who was called “Saam”, one of the oriental medical sages in an ancient Korean dynasty around 400 years ago. He was known as a mysterious and legendary sage who practiced the Buddhist meditation in a small stone cave for 13 years and originated his unique acupuncture principle. His name “Saam” was derived from “living under the stone cave”
Underlying the practice of Saam Acupuncture Method, the view is based on the ancient Chinese perception of humans as microcosms of the larger, surrounding universe – interconnected with nature and subject to its forces. The human body is regarded as an organic entity in which the various organs, tissues, and other parts have distinct functions but are interdependent each other. In this view, health and disease relate to balance of the functions.
Saam Acupuncture Method also uses the theory of Five Elements – wood, fire, earth, metal, and water – to explain how the body works. These elements correspond to particular organs and tissues in the body.
Saam Health And Beauty Clinic offers carefully crafted traditions spliced with modern trends for an adaptable healthcare philosophy. Incorporating a less needle regime of two to four needles on the lower limbs, the practitioner shoot for accurately speedy reactions in up to ten minutes.
Acupuncturist in Saam Acupuncture Clinic
Nicole (Jeewon) Baik is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist based in North Shore. Nicole has lived in New Zealand for more than 31 years and has graduated Bachelor of Health Science majoring in Chinese Medicine from New Zealand College of Chinese Medicine and Bachelor of Arts from University of Auckland.Since she started having good relationship with oriental medicine doctors in Korea for many years, she has been gaining lots of experience and knowledge in both countries. She treats a wide range of different disorders including pain related injury, woman’s problem chronic disorders, stress, etc.
Qualifications and Associated Organization
– Bachelor of Health Science (Chinese Medicine)
– New Zealand Acupuncture Standard Authority (NZASA)
– New Zealand Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Society (NZCMAS)
– National Diploma of Acupuncture
– Registered ACC Provider
– Certificate of Cosmetic Acupuncture and Ruri Face Diagnosis